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COMPROSE’s 30th Anniversary

COMPROSE’s 30th Anniversary

How the years have flown! I want to take this opportunity to thank our loyal customers, our partners, and of course, the awesome COMPROSE team I have the pleasure of working with every day.

It’s been quite a journey. Our humble beginnings weren’t quite like HP in the garage, but they were close enough. On May 1, 1987, I started COMPROSE in a tiny room with two lawn chairs as our office furniture. With an initial investment of $5,000 (yes, it cost that much to buy a computer and printer those days), COMPROSE opened its doors.  Our start was in the technical writing services niche. Later, we expanded our communication services, adding grant writing services. And in 1990, we were inspired to “productize” our expertise into a software product. We invented ProcedureWRITE, which later became Zavanta. I can still picture our first customer, a chemist in Kansas City tasked with writing SOPs for FDA compliance.  (See the progression below.  From CD to Cloud!)

It's timely that with this anniversary, we roll out the conversion utility for existing Zavanta desktop customers to a NEW Zavanta – the cloud version.  This is the product we have always wanted to build, incorporating your input and requests. We thank you for your patience and are very excited about the results — Zavanta Online. The new web platform enables us to add new features much faster than we could with the Windows on-premise version.

I am humbled and thankful to have worked with so many inspiring and interesting people along the way. It has been fascinating to learn about how your organizations tick: Banks, non-profits, major universities, and corporations, as well as many, many small growing businesses. Some of you have been with us for 10 or 20 years. I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity.

And the best is yet to come!

COMPROSE Founder, Kathy Anton